Wednesday, March 28, 2012

With a Bang and a Flash.

So another friend of mine introduced me to one of his favorite photographers. I'm happy to say he has officially become one of my favorite photographers too.

Maybe it's a tinge of nationalism, because we're both Indonesian. I must say though, his work stood out a lot compared to the many of the works I've seen back home. I stopped subscribing to magazines back home a few years ago and I stopped reading them completely when I left to go to the States in 2010. I don't remember the fashion photo montages to be anything special, so imagine the shock I received when I opened this blog and here was this fabulous photographer snapping fashion shoots back in Indonesia.

Makes me want to go home and send fanmail to this guy.

Here are some of his recent works, posted on his blog. Ladies and gentlemen, the works of Mr. Arseto Adiputra.

I love how he really sets the tone of his works by manipulating the contrast and the colors, like how the shoot with the suits had more subtle, dark tones while the shoot at the beach had bright, contrasting colors that really stood out against the gorgeous blue sky. Pretty, pretty colors. Somewhat mesmerizing to stare at. I'd say his works are revolutionary in comparison to the photoshoots I've seen in the magazines a couple years ago, but I might just be behind on the current art scene back home.

Lovely works, really, applaud him I must.

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