I realized that lately my blog posts have been replaced by all sorts of crappy poetic nonsense. I'd like to apologize, mainly to myself, for misusing my outlet.
Initially, I started writing this blog when I decided to major in journalism. Realizing that my opinionated writings had no place in my journalism classes, I still felt that I had to somehow develop my viewpoint and opinion somewhere. Hence, the creation of this blog.
I started out with commenting on othet blog posts, mostly about more neutral things like clothes, technology, architecture and k-pop. (Admittedly, k-pop has avid followers and equally passionate haters, so it might be a bit difficult to categorize it as "neutral"). However, the more I got into reading articles to compare biases in the media (which we were studying in class), I started trying to apply these concepts to analyze the articles I'm reading from the Indonesian media. This resulted in a bunch of immature hate posts against the religious/racial division in Indonesia being further exacerbated by the use of selective truth in the media, depending on ownership. I didn't figure out until much later that my pointing out the differences between these medias did nothing but divide my country into a bunch of race and beliefs, instead of emphasizing on the unity we should have as people of the same country. Later on, when I started taking a women studies class, I started to write posts on the lack of weight of women rights in Indonesia. Despite the fact that I found a sound topic I was passionate about, I was still basically just writing hate posts supported by the fact that I am a woman and no real knowledge on the situation.
By this time, I realized that I'll never make a good journalist if all I do is be a fangirl or a hater. As much as my thoughts might have grown slightly more mature thanks to writing my thought process out in the form of this blog, I couldnt produce any good writing that made sense after a few months.
Instead of writing about a truth I have yet to attain, I returned to writing prose and nonsense that I thought would make me sound somewhat deep. Maybe it was also triggered by my turning twenty and questioning at what age I might perchance find my true love, or if I have actually found him. Maybe.
While I figured out that my writing nonsense-meant-to-be-poems were pretty much useless to the advancement of my career, I also figured out that if I stay like this I'll never get anywhere with the blog.
Right now I'm in the middle of trying to repurpose my blog as a good representation of who I want to be. I haven't found who I want to be yet, but I figured if I continue to write my obnoxious opinions up here I might either find out what I really like and what I really don't like.
So, what I'm going to try to do from now on is to write about issues I'm concerned about, whether that be analyzing the media with my shallow knowledge, or writing about social issues as discussed by books that inspire me, etc. Hopefully I can do this regularly. Right now I have a stack of books to read at home that I hope will make me a better person, and a better writer.
Stick with me.
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